Sunday 31 January 2010


To work through a PowerPoint introducing you to the basic ideas about editing, please click on the link below or paste into your browser:

Here is a clip to illustrate a particular type of editing technique - can you work out what it is and why you think the director chose it?

Here is a PP analysing a clip from Hitchcock's "Rear Window". It focuses on how Hitchcock uses continuity editing in the opening sequence. The film focuses on how a photographer is housebound in his flat and starts to see suspicious goings-on in the apartments opposite but is unable to investigate himself. This plot was borrowed and updated for the more recent film, "Disturbia", with Shia LaBoeuf. A clip that covers some of the action appears below the PP:

Rear Window James Stewart reveal from Matthew Pennell on Vimeo.

An activity to further your editing skills:

And here is a useful page to look at, giving some clear explanations about transitions. You will need to cut and paste into your browser:

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